Project consortium
The consortium brings together the leading European NMIs and DIs in traceability for contact probes and stylus instrument measurements. It is complemented by two non-European NMIs that bring in their specific knowledge and experience.TUBITAK
TUBITAK is the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. UME is an NMI part of the TUBITAK Structure. The Dimensional Laboratories of UME have experience in geometrical measurements with roughness measuring device, CMM and form measuring devices. UME is accredited to ISO 17025 [14] by the TURKAK; 64 CMCs are registered, and metrology services have been delivered to industry for many years. TUBITAK UME has been active in EMRP and EMPIR projects such as SIB58 Angles. TUBITAK will coordinate the project.
BIM is the NMI of Bulgaria. BIM is structured in two Directorates, National Centre of Metrology (NCM) and Measures and Measuring Units (MMU). BIM has 283 employees. NCM has 62, working in 6 departments. NCM develops, maintains and improves the national measurement standards and is responsible for the dissemination of all basic SI units. MMU is responsible for the activities in the field of Legal Metrology. The Length and Angle laboratory of the Department Length and Time will take part in this project. This lab carries out measurements in the field of length, angle and roughness. BIM will develop a set-up for calibration of stylus instruments using displacement generators for the range of ±500 µm.
CEM is the NMI of Spain. With its 32 laboratories, CEM is responsible for the realisation and dissemination of four basic SI units, as well as other derived units and Legal Metrology. The Length and Precision Engineering Area is divided into six laboratories, two of them participating in this project: the Coordinate Metrology & Forms Laboratory and the Standards for Micro & Nanometrology Laboratory. Length Division has 48 approved CMCs, supported by 32 key and supplementary comparisons performed, many of them in the fields of form and surface metrology. CEM will set-up and pilot comparison measurements on calibration of magnification standards as well as lead WP2.
DMDM, Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals, is the governmental non-profit organisation under the Serbian Ministry of Economy, with around 100 employees. DMDM develops, maintains and continuously improves measurement standards for the Republic of Serbia and provides their traceability to international levels. DMDM has over 20 years of experience in surface roughness metrology, including development of procedures for surface roughness and roundness standard measurements. DMDM has participated in EURAMET.L-K8:2003 key comparison on surface roughness standards. DMDM experts have experience in organising interlaboratory comparisons and results analysis as well as in evaluation of measurement uncertainty in different length metrology areas. In the last 5 years, DMDM has intensified its focus to work with new stylus surface roughness and form measuring instruments in order to give stronger and more reliable calibration and testing service for industry. DMDM will test the new software (generating traceable depths using sphere standards) by comparing its results with the commercial one fitted to their device.
FSB is a DI for length of the Croatian metrology institute (HMI). FSB research covers a wide range of activities from the realisation of the metre to industry-oriented calibrations and measurements by use of CMM, stylus instrument, optical microscope, XCT, portable laser interferometer systems, etc. FSB accreditation scope covers 35 accredited procedures and has 22 published CMC's in BIPM KCDB. Also, its researchers’ work includes development of software algorithms for measurement applications, data analysis, filtering techniques and error mapping that can contribute to the objectives in this project. FSB will lead WP4 and contribute to the noise reduction methods.
GUM is the NMI of Poland. GUM maintains, improves and disseminates the national measurement standards. Its main task is to ensure conformity, accuracy and traceability of the national measurement standards. Length Laboratory of GUM has 45 approved CMCs. GUM participation in EURAMET governed international key comparisons brings experience in high precision measurements of surface roughness standards (Nano2, EUROMET.L-S11, EURAMET.L-K8.2013). GUM will develop a set-up for calibration of stylus instruments using displacement generators for the range of ±500 µm and test the new software (generating traceable depths using sphere standards) by comparing its results with the commercial one fitted to their device.
INRIM brings expertise in the development of measurement methods, instrumentation and standards for surface metrology to support measurement services and industry needs. INRIM is a member of the ISO groups on areal and profile texture (WG16 –TC213) and chairs the group on surfaces of the UNI/CT047 responsible for the GPS. INRIM is therefore well placed to lead delivery of WP5.
IPQ is the NMI of Portugal. IPQ has experience in trends analysis of measurement roughness parameters with different measurement conditions and in the national dissemination of roughness measurements to end users. The Length Laboratory is responsible for the development of the national standards and realises calibration in dimensional measurements, namely in laser length standards, linear gauge blocks, interferometry length measurements, angle measurements, surface texture, form measurements. The length laboratory has participated in several European and international comparisons and has 15 CMCs published in the field of length measurements. It is also engaged in national standardisation, providing inputs for the standards committee of ISO/TC 213 and CEN/TC 290 in the field of dimensional and geometrical product specification and verification. IPQ length laboratory is involved in all WPs.
NIS, The National Institute for Standards is the measurement institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the custodian of traceable standards to the International System (SI) of units. NIS is the largest metrology body in the Middle East and Africa, and the sole representative of Egypt at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM). The ESML (Engineering and Surface Metrology Lab) is responsible for carrying out scientific research and calibrations in dimensional and surface metrology and dissemination of SI length unit. ESML has two interlaboratory comparisons in field of surface parameters that are published in the BIPM-KCDB: APMP L-K8 and EURAMET L-K8 and an interlaboratory comparison in the field of gauge block calibration by comparison: AFRIMETS.L-S3. NIS will develop algorithms and software for calibration of stylus devices using sphere standards which are used for generating traceable depths values to be compared with those generated by displacement generators.
SASO-NMCC is the NMI of Saudi Arabia. With its 30 laboratories, SASO-NMCC is responsible for the realisation of SI units. The Length metrology department is divided in four laboratories: Wavelength Laboratory - Gauge block Laboratory- Surface measurements Laboratory- Dimensional Laboratory. SASO-NMCC has participated in comparisons such as: EURAMET.L-K4.2015 - EURAMET L-K5.2016 – CCL-K11 – GULFMET.L-S1 – GULFMET.L-S2. SASO-NMCC will be involved in all WPs and perform tests using the new devices less subject to error sources due to life time of the mechanism in the probes.
Project Consortium
JRP-Coordinator: Dr. Murat Aksulu, TUBITAK, Turkey Tel: +90 262 679 5000, E-mail: |
JRP-Partner 1 TUBITAK, Turkey |
JRP-Partner 2 BIM, Bulgaria |
JRP-Partner 3 CEM, Spain |
JRP-Partner 4 DMDM Serbia |
JRP-Partner 5 FSB, Croatia |
JRP-Partner 6 GUM, Poland |
JRP-Partner 7 INRIM, Italy |
JRP-Partner 8 IPQ, Portugal |
JRP-Partner 9 NIS, Egypt |
JRP-Partner 10 SASO NMCC, Saudi Arabia |